Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Greetings From Israel

Our tour has gotten off to a more or less smooth start. However,
one tour member who comes from New Mexico had a late connecting
flight, and never got on our light from San Francisco. We didn't
know what happened to her until the end of our first day in
Israel. It turns out she spend 24 hour in the San Francisco
airport, had her baggage lost, but eventually got a flight to
Israel and joined us about half way through our second day of
touring Israel. In the mean time, we had a wonderful tour of
London (though it was very cold and rainy -- but what should we
expect, it's London).

In Israel, we started out in Tel Aviv, arriving at the airport at
5:30 am! At the hotel we had a shower, change of clothes,
breakfast and began touring. We visited Caesarea Maritima, Mt.
Carmel and Armageddon before heading inland. On our way toward the
Sea of Galilee we had a fairly quick tour of Nazareth. This once
quaint town (the first time I visited over 20 years ago it was
quite nice) has been fairly trashed in recent years. However, we
did have a spectacular view of the Valley of Jezreel (Valley of
Armageddon) as a strong rain and wind were beginning to sweep
through the area. From Nazareth, through Cana, we proceeded on to
our first night's rest at Kibbutz Ma'agan on the South East coast
of the Sea of Galilee.

The next two days have been spent touring around the north west
coast of the Sea of Galilee, and up on the Golan Heights, at the
Jordanian, Syrian and Lebanese border. Hardly any evidence that
Israel recently fought a war with Hizbullah and experienced
thousands of missiles. I will post more when I get a bit more time
on an internet computer.

That's all for now.

Grace and Peace,
Pastor Gunn