Saturday, March 3, 2007

Well, we've finally gotten to where I have some free internet access.
We are now located in Jerusalem. After leaving the region of the Sea
of Galilee, we spent one night in a hotel on the Dead Sea where
everyone had a chance to float in the most dense body of water on the
face of the earth (about 35% solid) also the lowest point on the face
of the earth (about 1,320 feet below sea level). The next day,
Friday, we visited Masada, built up by Herod the Great, and then used
by the Jews in their final stand against Rome in the first Jewish
rebellion. After that we visited the Spring at En Gedi -- well,
actually, we didn't hike up to the spring, but rather saw from an
observation point below. At the north end of the Dead Sea, we visited
Qumran where the majority of the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered.

Leaving the Dead Sea, we visited the modern city of Jericho, then the
excavations at the Old Testament city of Jericho. There are also some
excavations at the separate New Testament city of Jericho (there are
3 Jerichos in all!), but we didn't visit the NT site.

On the way up to Jerusalem, we pulled off the main road and went down
the old Roman road a ways to view Wadi Kelt, with an awesome view of
Herod's aqueduct, and St. George's monestery below.

Today, Saturday, was a very long travel day. It started out with a
stop at Emmaus. It's amazing how steep and foreboding the terrain is
between Jerusalem and Emmaus. I think we often view the disciples on
the road to Emmaus as being out for a kind of leisurely Sunday
afternoon stroll. It's really a very difficult trip to make on foot,
down a very steep mountain.

After Emmaus, we headed for Philistine country, and visited the
Valley of Elah where David slew Goliath. The SBC students read 1
Samuel 17 out loud to the rest of the group, then we all went in
search of 5 smooth stones.

We then went on south to Be'er Sheva, the capital of the Negev
district. So now we have been from Dan to Be'er Sheva. On the way
back we stopped briefly in Jaffa (Joppa) and returned to the hotel
for dinner and bed.

Pastor Gunn

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